
Happy Thankspaleo!

“There is always, always, always something to be thankful for.”

Last night I managed to cook all of the Thanksgiving food I plan on eating today…and managed to make it all Paleo friendly.  Well, with the exception of the stuffing, but I used gluten free stuffing mix!  :c)  (That’s my cheat.)  Can’t wait to get home from work and eat it all.


So, I made a bacon wrapped turkey (first attempt at turkey, btw), and it looks and smells AWESOME!  I’ve never had to prepare a turkey before…boy, was it an adventure.  I remember my mom and dad getting the turkey ready when I was a kid, but couldn’t figure it out myself yesterday.  I had to Google a “how-to” article.  I had to wash it, pat it dry, stuff it, then tie the legs together…oh, and take out the giblets and neck (meh).


I stuffed that bird with my gluten free stuffing mix with carrots and onions, and even put some onions and sage under the skin of the turkey.  I had some stuffing that didn’t fit in the turkey, so I cooked it in a pan.  Yum.


Wowza.  To go along with my turkey-lurky-doo, pumpkin pie with paleo coconut almond vanilla ice cream, cranberry upside down cakes, sweet potato pancakes, caramelized onion and carrot stuffing, sausage stuffing (no bread), sweet potato casserole, balsamic roasted carrots, cauliflower hummus, homemade cranberry sauce, chocolate chip cookies, and gluten free dinner rolls (from Whole Foods).


It was hard not to eat it all last night after I made it!  I’ve worked up quite the appetite today.

Let me know how your Paleo Thanksgivings went!

Happy Turkey Day!

“People can teach you, motivate you and inspire you.  But only YOU can make up your own mind to go after your goals.”

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I’m a 36 year old kid at heart. I reached a low point in my life where I felt like I needed to take control before I didn’t have the choice, and that’s when I decided that I needed to change my lifestyle. It’s going to be my life long goal to always achieve optimum health…I am still young after all. Here I am, over one year into my Paleo journey, and I never felt better.

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