
I’m back!!

My friends and loyal followers, I have been absent far too long…and I apologize.  I’ve been so busy over the past couple months, but…I am happy to report I am still #paleostrong, down 43lbs., and about to celebrate my 1 year of Paleo anniversary on August 9!  It’s been easy, it’s been hard, and it’s been everything in between.  I enjoy it though!  I have mastered making kombucha…but I still can’t ferment anything.  Haha  Going food shopping and cooking has become a much easier and more manageable task as well.  I’m a few days into another 30 day meal plan.  This time around I enjoy it way more than I did a year ago.  One thing still remains the same…not a big fan of fish.  Can’t win ’em all.  🙂

Another big development in my life — my dad was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes back in April.  He spent over a month in the hospital and a rehabilitation center.  Thanks to my Paleo lifestyle and all of the knowledge I gained over the last year, I have been able to help him control his sugar with diet alone!  I have even learned some other valuable things!

I still have a strong support system, and my mom loves my cooking!  (That’s saying a lot.)  I get my distaste for fish from her…she never eats my fish dishes.  I have felt pretty good mentally and physically; it’s probably the best I have ever felt in my adult life.  I’m always getting compliments from friends — “Your hair looks so healthy.” “You look so fit.”  Oh, and a couple of my former favorite shirts now fit again…thus, they are my current favorites again!  Such a great feeling!

I’m also finding my outlook on life is much better.  My mental attitude has greatly improved, and yes, I think a healthy, balanced diet is key.  I can also tell I am much more physically fit.  I can now run a mile in under 9 minutes without any struggle.

I will start to blog again.  I added something to pinterest, and I twittered to my followers that I’M BACK!  Thanks for sticking around!  Make sure you subscribe.

Follow me on twitter @paleyoblog!!!!

“We need to recognize our accomplishments, no matter how big or small, and be proud of them.”

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I’m a 36 year old kid at heart. I reached a low point in my life where I felt like I needed to take control before I didn’t have the choice, and that’s when I decided that I needed to change my lifestyle. It’s going to be my life long goal to always achieve optimum health…I am still young after all. Here I am, over one year into my Paleo journey, and I never felt better.