
Weekend Madness

Sorry for the delay…Paleo life can get a little busy!  I got a lot accomplished this weekend though.  Anyone see Miley Cyrus on SNL?  haha

Anyways, Thursday night before dinner I went to the grocery store and picked up some pork tenderloin and itty bitty potatoes.  I seasoned the pork with salt, pepper, cumin, coriander, and garlic powder; then, I threw it on the grill for about 45 min. to an hour.  I boiled the potatoes until they were soft, I picked them up at Trader Joe’s.  I added some sweet  onions and pineapple salsa…it was SO good!  Even my mom loved it.  Friday morning, I had some coffee at work for breakfast because I forgot to pack a lumch, but when I got home from work I made scrambled eggs, and added the leftover itty bitty potatoes.  Yes folks, they are actually called “itty bitty potatoes”.

Friday night for dinner, I ordered sashimi, and used my coconut aminos with it.  I cannot tell the difference between that and regular soy sauce, so yet, another discovery that I don’t actually miss the soy sauce.  I love all the alternatives with Paleo.  Does anyone have a good “Philly Cheesesteak” recipes they could share?

Breakfast saturday morning was delicious!  Made some scrambled eggs with a slice of bacon with pancakes.  I found pumpkin butter at Trader Joe’s, so I added a little to the pancake batter; then, smeared some on top!  Ended up not really having much for lunch because I had to do a lot of running around yesterday, but when I got home I took out some chicken I had marinating in taco spices, and grilled them.  I cut them up, put them on salad, and added pineapple salsa!  Man, was that good.

Last night, I cooked all the food I was going to eat today.  I made pizza, green beans with almond butter sauce, and…wait for it…wait for it…2 LOAVES OF PALEO BREAD!  So I found a fairly simple recipe, unfortunately I’ll have to find another one.  The one I used called for flaxseed meal.  This is the first time I’ve ever used it, and I’m not even sure how “Paleo” it is, but I gave it a shot.  It looked prettttty good, almost like 12 grain bread.  This morning when I woke up I mixed up some tuna and Paleo mayo, and put it on some of the bread I made.  Within a few minutes, the roof of my mouth and my throat were so itchy!  I have a couple food allergies, and now I guess I have to add flaxseed meal to that list.  That was the only ingredient that I never had.  Next weekend I may try a new recipe.  For lunch I ate the pizza!  Then, dinner was beef and pork meatballs with sauce, and spaghetti squash, which I will be eating for breakfast tomorrow!

Okay Paleo friends, does anyone use Walden Farm products?  I know they aren’t Paleo because they have preservatives, but they are zero carbs, zero sugar, zero everything…thoughts?  I have used the syrup and dressing before, but not during Paleo.  Also, does anyone know anything about people with diabetes and Paleo?  It seems like a good option for them if they can find low carb, no sugar meals, right?  Thoughts on that?  Any info would be greatly appreciated.

“Eat less sugar.  You’re sweet enough already.”


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I’m a 36 year old kid at heart. I reached a low point in my life where I felt like I needed to take control before I didn’t have the choice, and that’s when I decided that I needed to change my lifestyle. It’s going to be my life long goal to always achieve optimum health…I am still young after all. Here I am, over one year into my Paleo journey, and I never felt better.