
Archive - August 2014

A quick review on Julian Bakery’s Paleo Coconut Flakes

Eggs, eggs and bacon, eggs and sausage, hard boiled eggs, fried eggs, etc…. but what if you can’t tolerate eggs! What if grass fed whey protein doesn’t fit into your Paleo Paradigm, or Bullet Proof Coffee doesn’t toot your horn. What are you to do? I may have found an option for you.

Julian Bakery just released its take on cereal called Paleo Coconut Flakes. For those of you familiar with Julian Bakery they also made waves through the Paleo Community with Paleo Wraps.  Here is what I like and do not like about this product.


  • Only 3 ingredients – coconut meat, coconut water, and palm starch
  • Relatively high in fat, low in protein, and low in sugar
  • Tastes very good with good texture that holds up to coconut milk well
  • Sweet enough so that added sweeteners are not needed.


  • Box lists 10 servings in the entire box – this is ridiculous – 3 is more like it
  • Price – $8.99 a box

All in all I highly recommend this product as a quick and easy breakfast solution.  You can purchase it at

Dr. Noah De Koyer


Famous and Paleo

By now you may have seen the LeBron James photo of him looking very slim.  It is said that he may be following the Paleo lifestyle.  A lot of critics aren’t sure why, an athlete in such great physical condition would adopt such a lifestyle, but as a follower myself, I don’t see the problem.  It’s a protein rich diet that can help athletes maintain optimum performance levels by lowering the wear and inflammation on their bodies and joints.  When someone eats clean-limit carbs, consume lean meats, healthy fats, and absolutely cut out ALL processed foods-it will cause the body to go into a catabolic state, which means our body is naturally burning it’s own fat instead of glucose for fuel.

A lot of athletes and celebs practice Paleo.  It accelerates weight loss, reduces blood pressure, prevents diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and cancer.  For athletes on Paleo, they usually adapt it to their needs.  They add more starchy carbs.  Paleo also helps with recovery.

She’s friends with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and she also does Paleo… It’s Megan Fox!  Yes, her good looks and fit body are a product of Paleo.  She avoids alcohol, dairy, and all refined carbs.  Six months after giving birth, she dropped 23lbs.  Also, Jack Osbourne, who has MS, adopted the Paleo lifestyle, and he claims it helps treat it.

“When you stop chasing the wrong things, you give the right things a chance to catch you.”

-Megan Fox-

Diet and Mental Health

“But poetry, beauty, romance, love…these are what we stay alive for.”

Robin Williams, thank you.

Does our diet play a roll in our mental health?  It certainly plays a role in our physical health, so why wouldn’t it play a role in our mental health.  From personal experience, I believe it does, at least to a certain extent.  If you’re an emotional eater, it can affect you in a negative way.

The great Robin Williams passed away yesterday after struggling for years with depression.  Mental health has been brought to light because of this tragedy.  Every television station, and every social media outlet has been flashing the suicide prevention hotline (1-800-273-8255).  I guess sometimes people who feel like they may be the only one realize, when things like this happen, that there is help out there and someone willing to listen.  Depression is a very real thing, and if you’re lucky enough to not suffer from it, then you may not truly understand it.  Be a friend to someone.  Just listen and be there for them.

Stress and anxiety turned me into an emotional eater not too long ago.  And I think what some people may not understand, is that when someone is feeling down or overwhelmed, it’s not easy to just “push to the side” or “just get over it”.  I don’t want this post to be entirely about depression, but to tie it into my Paleo journey, I decided to do some research on how diet can affect our mental health.

I scoured the internet to see what I could find.  I found an article on how gluten can cause depression or anxiety.  We know that gluten will cause inflammation in our gastrointestinal tract (I’ve wrote previous posts about this).  This inflammation in the gut will cause an autoimmune response to the gluten protein.  This attack will release cytokines.  They enter our brain causing it to become inflamed, then causing the depression or anxiety.  99% of the population have the genetic potential to have antibodies against gluten, develop.

Okay, so…autoimmune response to the cytokines can affect other organs besides the brain, e.g. joints, lungs, kidneys, heart, and more.  If you haven’t read it yet, even after I have suggested it, go read “Grain Brain” by Dr. David Perlmutter.  It talks about the ties between gluten, sugar, and lactose to Alzheimer’s and depression.

Many factors can lead to depression or anxiety; stress, alcohol, antibiotics, GMOs, sugar, etc.  <–and that my friends is why you should switch to a Paleo lifestyle.  It’s the way to go!  I cannot stress this enough…if you see a product labeled “gluten free”, AVOID THEM!  The wheat in these items is usually replace with rice or corn.  They contain proteins that are very similar to gluten.  Plus, they are highly processed, loaded with sugars, salts, and preservatives.

I also read that people actually diagnosed with celiac, can have psychological symptoms–depression being one of them.  The attack on the proteins can damage the small intestine.  Once it’s damaged, essential vitamins, minerals, and proteins may not be absorbed as well as they should.  This malabsorption consequently leads to depression.  Zinc, tryptophan, and B vitamins are essential nutrients to maintain healthy brain function.  They help produce serotonin <–the thing that keeps us happy.  So perhaps maybe these fancy doctors should focus more on nutrition, than prescribing medication to just help people deal.  Now excuse me while I take my vitamin D, B12, and Zinc.  Sadly, many doctors think nutritional deficiencies are unrelated to depression.

If we really want to take care of ourselves, we should really focus on feeding our bodies in order to achieve optimal physical and mental health.   In “Grain Brain”, you will read how consuming grains causes degenerative brain disorders.  He supports a Paleo lifestyle, but in his Grain Brain diet, he allows for small amounts of diary, legumes, and gluten free grains such as rice and quinoa a few times a week.  Diet alone will not solve all the problems; if you’re suffering, please talk to someone.

Depression and diet create a vicious cycle.  Depression leads to poor motivation –> then you emotionally eat –> then you feel bad you ate the way you did –> you eat more –> you end up feeling more down.  If you eat right, you can get your energy levels up, and squash some of those down feelings.  Cut out processed foods and alcohol.  Increase your intake of serotonin rich foods — kiwis, plantains, bananas, sour cherries, pineapples, and tomatoes — to name a few.

“You’ll have bad times,
but it’ll always wake you up to the good stuff you weren’t paying attention to.”

Robin Williams as Sean Maguire, Good Will Hunting-

One Year Paleo Anniversary

Friday, August 9, was my one year anniversary! Paleo Strong! Can’t believe where I was last year, compared to where I am this year. It’s been amazing so far!

It’s crazy how I have just adopted this as the way it is…me…out of all people. If you asked me a year ago about it, I would have told you I would have to be crazy to change…well, I guess I’m crazy then. 🙂

There is a frightening statistic about how many people in America are diabetic or pre-diabetic. There is a direct correlation to the disease and diet.  I read a study that compared the Paleo diet to the Mediterranean diet in people with type 2 diabetes. Basically, the big difference between the two, is grains and dairy are NOT discouraged in the Mediterranean diet. They discovered that people who followed the Mediterranean diet showed little to no improvement with the diabetes symptoms; anyone who followed Paleo actually showed reverse symptoms to diabetes, and at the end of the study, had normal glucose levels.  Celiac and Diabetes are connected, in that, 1% of the population has celiac and 10% of people with type 1 diabetes, have celiac.  But some articles I have read do say to get tested for celiac and a gluten intolerance before eliminating them completely.

“I can. I will. End of story.”