
Author - Dee

Meal Prep is Key

Stuck to my guns…ate Paleo yesterday with what was left in the fridge (before food shopping).  Went food shopping after dinner with my prepared Paleo list for the next couple of days.  When I got home I made breakfast and lunch.  Breakfast – Garlicky Sprouts with Poached Eggs and Lunch – Cobb Salad.  Can’t wait to eat them!  nom nom nom  Today when I get home, I am going to make Italian Wedding Soup in the Crock Pot.  I remember making this soup the first time last year…boy, was I proud of myself.  Meal prep is fun.  It’s like working for your food.

I still can’t believe that I haven’t had bread, pasta, or PIZZA since August 9, 2013.  It’s 2015!!  Mind blown.  Gave up soda on January 1, 2013…that’s even crazier.  Never would I have thought I’d be able to say I don’t drink soda anymore.  I’m not even sure I would like it at this point.  There have been a few times where I craved an ice cold soda, but I talked myself off that ledge.  I still think it would be a major let down if I decided to drink a soda.  How are you all doing with your goals and accomplishments?  Tell me about them!

I didn’t have sugar yesterday, and today I feel better already.

“Ask yourself if what you’re doing today is getting you closer

to where you want to be tomorrow.”

Ay! Oh! Paleo!

So after enjoying the holidays, my brother’s 40th birthday, the month of January, and the Super Bowl…it’s time to get strict again!  I needed a little reset to help make me appreciate the journey I originally set out on.  Most people would start on a Monday, but I am starting today — Wednesday!  I’ve kept my eating pretty Paleo, not so clean though.  Enjoyed a few gluten free bagels here and there, and maybe a few pieces of dark chocolate (okay, more than a few…but hey, a girl needs her chocolate).

I had a bit of a health issue back in December, but I’m all healed from that…well, mostly.  I had an infection in my stomach, and had to take a crazy amount of pills, and by crazy amount I mean 120 pills in 10 days (I took my daily probiotics, don’t worry).  So now, even though the infection is cleared, my stomach will take at least 6 months to fully heal.  So eating has been interesting.  Certain things bother my stomach more than others.  I started drinking aloe vera juice…yum.  Between this stomach thing, and a toothache, I’ve been feeling pretty blah.  I’m thinking that going strict Paleo will help me out of this funk…fingers crossed.

I am going over my 30 day meal plan; I’m using the same one that I started Paleo with.   If you want to follow along, it’s in this book.  My reasoning for using the same one again…I did it once, and was successful.  I can do it again.  Food shopping tonight!  I’m excited to be getting strict again…I felt really good, and I let myself get too comfortable I guess.  If you want something, you have to work for it…usually that work is NOT easy.  I’m going to Vegas in July, and I have a few weddings to attend at the end of this year…my goal is to lose weight and get some muscles…but mostly, just feel good!  When I first started Paleo I realized it wasn’t so much about trying to meet my goals of weight loss and such, it was about just feeling good.  Everything else just fell into place.  It’s a mental game, such is life.  When your head is in the game, the physical follows.  Your body only works as hard as your mind.  I’ll leave you with that.

Also, if you’re reading this and you have fallen off the wagon a little…get back on!  No reason to just watch it drive away.  Show ’em whatcha got.

“How badly you want something dictates how hard you’ll work for it.”


1 year 4 months… I feel fitter, and healthier than I ever have.  I’ve maintained my weight loss, but after the holidays I will try to lose a few more pounds.  I will be making my own meal plan, as well.  I am equipped with enough knowledge to pull something awesome together.  If anyone wants to know what it ends up being, let me know!!

I’m running better than I ever have in my life.  I’m stronger, I can endure longer, and I recover a LOT faster!  I’m getting back to where I was in my younger days.  Still haven’t had bread or pasta!!   (..and don’t even crave it anymore)  I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again…if I was able to come this far, anyone can.

Now that you’re caught up on my exciting life…back to the topic of the day: Probiotics.  I’ve been doing a lot of research and talking to a lot of people about this.  I’m learning so many things.

Are you taking a daily probiotic?  You should be!  We face a lot of nasty bacteria in our normal day lives, so taking a probiotic everyday will ensure that you have the “good” bacteria that you need.  This is used in combination with your fermented foods, sauerkraut, and kefir.  It’s just a good thing to have the extra supplement.  Lots of things can throw your gut flora out of whack.  Diet, stress, medication, or illness can all contribute to tummy troubles.  When the ratio isn’t balanced, it can cause a slew of issues!  They can help with so many things…immune issues, digestive problems, yeast infections, and replenishing the good bacteria after taking antibiotics.   Take a probiotic daily…you’ll thank me later.

Don’t get overwhelmed when you see a bunch of different probiotics.  This website on How to Choose the Right Probiotic might help you.

“Take care of your body.  It’s the only place you have to live.”

Paleo Juicing and Feeling Great

My 100th post!!  (weak, I know…but still!)  Thank you to all my loyal followers

So Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday I spent juicing.  I bought a Paleo Juicing book called “Caveman Juicing“, and followed it.  Let me tell you, I was pleasantly surprised with how it turned out.  I just wanted a little reset for my belly…and I now, I feel great.  I didn’t think I was going to be able to do it, honestly, but I did it.  I am so proud of myself.

I really believe doing Paleo for the past 15 months helped me prepare to do this.  Had I done it before Paleo/clean eating, I probably wouldn’t have had the will power to do it.  The detox/reset would have left me feeling really sluggish and grumpy, and I was the complete opposite.  I had no real food cravings or temptations.  I only did it for 3 days, but anyone who’s ever attempted it before (guilty of attempting and not completing a few times), knows how hard that first day can be.  It can get very discouraging.  I felt satisfied with my juices, and still managed to go to the gym with full energy.  I think my recovery from the gym was even a little better.  I was way more hydrated than I anticipated from the juice alone.  I did 3 a day with water and coconut water throughout the day.  The book has a lot of recipes, unfortunately I stayed away with the ones with apples (allergic), so most of mine consisted of veggies.  Over the weekend, preparing for this, I bought 15 cucumbers!  Best juicing recipes I’ve seen.  In some of the recipes there are supplements you have to add, but I didn’t get to those recipes.

My body is finally working at its’ full potential.  I go to the gym and I’m performing better than I ever have.  Running and lifting are not as much as a struggle as they used to be.  In a world where we crave instant gratification, taking over a year to feel this good and sticking with it…it’s a pretty big accomplishment for me.

“Every accomplishment begins with the decision to try.”

Craving Potato Chips?

Have you been craving the salty, crispy goodness of potato chips, but can no longer grab a bag since going Paleo?  Crave no more!  I have a few solutions for you.  Now, as my previous blog posts will inform you…white potatoes are not part of a typical Paleo regimen.  So if you’re craving a potato chip, let me suggest a few ways you can enjoy them – Paleo style…

  • Sweet Potato Chips
  • Vegetable Chips
  • Kale Chips
  • Prosciutto Chips
  • Brussel Sprout Chips

These are probably the easiest snacks you can make, and it doesn’t take a long time.  A mandolin slicer is your best friend for making chips!  It’s dangerous if you’re a beginner, so make sure you use the guard the first couple times (as to avoid losing the skin on your knuckles!)  Bed, Bath, and Beyond has one for $9.99, plus you can find a 20% off coupon online and use that, too!  You can slice things with a knife, but the mandolin slicer is easier and makes them super thin!  I’ve seen microwave trays that claim they work, but they don’t…so don’t bother.  Baking really makes them more chip like.  After awhile, I promise, you won’t even miss a bag of Lays!  I know I don’t anymore.

First and foremost, grab some sweet potatoes or pretty much any vegetable of your choice and your brand spankin’ new mandolin, and get to slicin’!  Toss your slices in some melted coconut oil and season with whatever flavors you like!  Oven to 350 degrees, parchment paper on a cookie sheet, and pop ’em in.  After about 10 minutes, flip your chips.  Just keep checking in over the next 8 to 10 minutes so that you don’t burn them.

Go visit your local farmer’s market and pick up a head of kale (less than 3 bucks most likely).  When you get home, be sure to rinse it off, then rip it up into “chip” size pieces and put it on a paper towel.  Be sure to pat them dry with another paper towel…they need to be REALLY DRY!  Toss them with a little bit of avocado oil.  Set your oven to 350 degrees, and put the kale on parchment paper on a cookie sheet.  Takes about 10-12 minutes to crisp them, but make sure you keep an eye on them, because they burn pretty fast!  When you take them out, you can season them with your favorite seasonings: salt, pepper, garlic…whatever.  Enjoy!

Then you can get some prosciutto…sliced thin!  Place the slices of proscuitto on a baking sheet with your trusty parchment paper (it’s a God send, really.)  Put the oven on 350 degrees (par for the course when making any type of “chip”), and pop them in.  When your oven is preheated, pop them suckers in!  10-15 minutes or so, but keep checking them…it only takes a few seconds to screw it up!  When they are done, take them out, and put them on a wire rack…they will crisp more as they cool…and BAM!  Little pork chips!

Onto the brussel sprouts!  Take a sprout, peel the leaves off (just the outer ones) and throw them in a bowl.  Then put about a TBSP or two of melted ghee and mix it all up.  Parchment paper, tray, oven; 9 minutes or until browned on the edges.  You can season these how you like, also.  Ladies and gentlemen, brussel sprout chips!

Now go forth, make your chips, watch your bad reality TV, and enjoy!  …you’re welcome.

“You won’t regret the junk food you didn’t eat today, come tomorrow.”


Gluten Free in San Francisco

Asked for a decaf coffee this morning…what they gave me is definitely not decaf.  I don’t know what is going on with me lately, but the anxiety is awful when I have caffeine.

But that’s not what this post is about.  I wanted to write about my trip to California!  I spent some time in Oakland this past weekend.  It’s a good area to go if you’re Paleo/Gluten free.  So many places with so many options, not like New Jersey.  The first night I arrived I ate at a pizza place called Zachary’s in Oakland that offered gluten free thin crust pizza.  Gluten free pizza is the only thing I will eat that I don’t make myself.  Shared one pizza with pineapple and jalapeño, and another with pesto, black olives, and artichoke hearts.  They were pretty, pretty good!  Next morning I had leftover pizza as breakfast.  Yum.  Then off to Sonoma we went!  It was 100 degrees out!  We visited a few wineries and ate some dark chocolate.  The girls wanted to go to this place called Homeroom in Oakland that had gluten free pasta…I just enjoyed an awesome salad with hot peppers, bacon, and feta cheese.  We were so tired that night, so we fell asleep pretty early.

The next day we went to San Francisco.  It was a beautiful day!  We decided to grab breakfast, so we ended up at this little place.  I got a decaf coffee, scrambled eggs (organic), bacon, and GLUTEN FREE blueberry pancakes (I’m sorry, I couldn’t resist).  They weren’t anything like Jimmy’s pancakes, but they sufficed.  We were having so much fun that we didn’t eat lunch.  We went to some shops, and visited Rudy’s Can’t Fail Cafe (If you don’t understand the significance of this place, that’s okay).  We didn’t eat there.  We went to this place Venus; vegan and gluten free options like whoa (not super Paleo friendly though).  I got a steak with some mashed potatoes and zucchini.  It was rather delicious.  A lot of the stuff on the menu had corn…so I couldn’t try a lot of it.  But, if you’re gluten free, then the East Bay is a good place to go spend some time!

Next day, we headed back to NJ!  Can’t wait for Jimmy to make me some of the Best Damn Paleo Pizza EVER!

“And then I realized, adventures are the best way to learn.”

Paleo and Meditation

I’m ready to take the next step…meditation.  I’ve always been interested in Buddhism and meditating.  I’ve read a few books on the subject by Noah Levine.  I’m reading a new book called “Beginner’s Guide to Meditation”.  I think, for me, this practice coupled with my Paleo lifestyle is what I need.  The first thing I’m learning about is breathing.  Quality of mind is controlled by breathing.  We have a mind, but our mind is not or identity.  You have to observe your breath enough so that you feel comfortable.  That is why a lot of people will tell you to take a deep breath when you’re feeling stressed.  My anxiety and stress make me feel like I can’t take a deep breath, which is why I feel it’s time to take this step in achieving optimum health.  I’m just wired this way.  Many times I find myself overreacting to situations.  One thing I’m working on and seeing the results is my road rage!  Bazinga.

I learned a lot about meditation, although I have yet to practice it.  It allows you to become more aware of your feelings and emotions.  It allows you to endure and overcome them, and ideally allows peace to take over.  Our mind should not be an enemy, but sometimes I’m convinced mine is completely against me.  Following a Paleo lifestyle keeps mine in check.  It balances our gut flora with our mental clarity.  There’s a lot of articles out there supporting the findings that a Paleo diet will help with mental disorders.  Paleo is a good thing!  I’ll keep you posted on my meditation journeys.

Being Paleo is all about balance of mind, body, and soul… I can’t stress this enough.  Next, I’m going to look into yoga and binaural beats meditation.

 “I honor the place in you in which the entire Universe dwells, I honor the place in you in which is of Love, of Integrity, of Wisdom and of Peace.  When you are in that place in you, and I am that place in me, we are One.”


Caffeine is the Culprit

Up until January 1, 2013, I would generally enjoy several cans of Coca-Cola a day, since the age of 4 probably (don’t judge, it was the early 80s).  When I was in my early teens, I started to see the symptoms of anxiety, although I didn’t know what was going on with me.  When I first started suffering, it was really hard on me.  I didn’t really know what it was, how to control it, how to get through it; I’d end up convinced I was about to die, and completely exhausted once it passed.  Never attributed them to anything but some kind of “chemical imbalance”, or maybe I was “just at that age”.  I continued to drink soda and coffee, never knowing I was overstimulating myself and most likely causing, or at the very least, making my anxiety worse.  It’s only now that I KNOW caffeine was a prime factor in my anxiety attacks.

When I first started Paleo, I was very strict about not having any coffee, eventually I went to a small cup daily.  Over the past couple weeks/months, I have noticed I’ve been drinking more coffee than usual.  I’ve had a lot of events taking place in my life, and I’ve been feeling a little worn out, so that might be the reason for the increased intake.  Before I thought of the coffee as the cause, I noticed I was having more anxiety attacks, more frequently, and much more severe than I have had in a long time.  Thought maybe it was just the stress of life weighing on me.  The other day I must have had 3 or 4 cups of coffee (not normal behavior for me), and it was during the last cup that I noticed the attack.  I couldn’t breathe, there was pressure on my chest, I couldn’t focus…and then it dawned on me — I’m starting to have a severe sensitivity to caffeine.

Over the past few days I decided to not have any caffeine-or any coffee at all.  No anxiety.  The withdrawals have been a little rough, but I’m dealing.  Today I tried decaf coffee (which can contain small traces of caffeine) for the first time, a small cup…no anxiety, except maybe some self provoked by the anticipation that I may or may not have an attack because of the coffee.  I guess that settles it, no more caffeine for me.  I should be happy that I figured out a HUGE factor as to why I had anxiety attacks, but I’m a little bummed.  I just have to be careful because I read that there can be caffeine in things you wouldn’t even think had caffeine: decaf coffee, chocolate, pain relievers, and some breath fresheners.  I’m allergic to a lot of things, so being sensitive to caffeine doesn’t shock me.  Just goes to further support my statement that says, we get comfortable feeling crappy, that we don’t know what it would feel like to just feel great.  I accepted the attacks as the norm, boy, was I wrong.

“Caffeine, after all, is such a benevolent, socially sanctioned drug – how could those cuddly polar bears in the Coke ads, or Fred, the avuncular Dunkin’ Donuts guy, be pushers?”

Blue 42…PALEO!

Football season is upon us, and while in previous years I was never the biggest football fan, I’ve grown to love it…mainly, because I’m in two fantasy leagues!  Unfortunately, your usual football Sunday snacks won’t fare too well if you’re Paleo.  So here’s my top 5 to help you enjoy your Sundays and stick with being Paleo!

Number 1 on my list is my favorite new snack; it’s primal – Goat Cheese Stuffed Mini Peppers


  • 15-17 mini peppers with the tops cut off and seeds removed
  • 1/2 cup ricotta cheese
  • 6 oz. goat cheese
  • garlic powder, chili powder, salt, and pepper to taste

Mix the ricotta cheese, goat cheese, garlic powder, chili powder, salt, and pepper in a bowl.  Take your peppers and fill them with the mixture.  Preheat your oven to broil, and place your stuffed peppers on a cookie tray lined with foil.  Cook about 5 minutes or until browned slightly.  If you’re feeling fancy, you can add cooked, seasoned chicken, then put the mixture on top.

Number 2 – A recipe I found on for spaghetti and meatball bites!

Number 3 – Use the Best Damn Paleo/Primal Pizza Recipe, and turn them into breadsticks or garlic knots!  Heat up some sauce and serve!

Number 4 – Because anything is better with bacon… Bacon Wrapped Butternut Squash Bites!

and Number 5 – No Sunday would be complete without… Jalapeño Lime Chicken Wings with Paleo Ranch Dressing!

What are some of your favorite Paleo finger foods??

“The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.”
– Vince Lombardi –

Primal Sans Lasagna

The other day I was craving lasagna.  I just wanted the layers of pasta, cheese, and sauce…but not really.  I don’t miss pasta, but I missed the tastes of lasagna all mashed together.  I had to devise a plan to make it, somehow, someway…this is how it happened and it’s primal, not so paleo.

Lasagna NoodlesI looked in the fridge and I figured that maybe I could just layer meat, cheese, sauce, and call it a day.  But that wouldn’t give me the “lasagna” feel though.  Then, at that moment where I felt defeated, alas, 2 yellow squash…PERFECT!  I’ve used them as “noodles”, so why not try them as “lasagna”.  I cut them vertically, just like pieces of lasagna.  I put them into a boiling pot of water for a couple minutes until they softened up.  (Next time I’m going to try them grilled.)  I heated up some sauce, shredded some cheese, steamed some kale, and cooked up some chicken.  I seasoned the chicken with garlic, salt, and pepper.  After all my elements were ready, I constructed my “Sans Lasagna”.  I put a little bit of sauce on the bottom, then a layer of the yellow squash, ricotta cheese, mozzarella cheese, chicken, sauce, then kale; repeat.  It was so good-I’m actually glad there was leftovers.

  • 9 x 12 inch foil pan
  • 2-4 Large Yellow Squash
  • 5 chicken breasts
  • 2 handfuls of baby kale
  • 1 can of tomato sauce
  • mozzarella cheese
  • ricotta cheese
  • garlic powder, salt, and pepper to taste for the chicken

Tonight for dinner — calzones!