
Category - Paleo

Commitment Leads to Success

I’m really making it a point to get really healthy again.  I know I may have said it before, but really, it’s important this time.  After a brief talk with Dr. Noah, we both...

GERD and Paleo

So I recently found out I have a hiatal hernia with mild esophagitis due to GERD.  When I was VERY STRICT with my paleo, I didn’t suffer from any of these issues.  Just mild heartburn...

Deana’s Magical Chicken

I must tell you about tonight’s dinner! I cooked it on the fly.  I knew all day I was going to make chicken, and I was thinking maybe spinach.  Well, when I got in the...

Today is My Birthday

Today is my 33rd birthday!  I’m feeling better than ever, despite having a rough year for my stomach ailments.  Now that I know what’s going on with my stomach, I plan on...

Where have you been?

Friends, I apologize for my absence.  While it’s not easy to maintain a full time job, hobbies, puppies, new nephew, meal prep, AND keep a blog at the same time…I feel bad that...

Grad School is Paleo

I started Grad School recently, and it has eaten up all my “Paleo” time!  I’m still sticking to Paleo, and I still LOVE cooking!  I will try to post more recipes in...

NO Sugar.

Been pretty focused on having no sugar at all…3 days, 5 lbs. down.  🙂  Today is day 4 and I’m feeling less of the withdrawals.  I’m feeling less overwhelmed the past 2...

FREE Paleo Crock Pot Cooking E-book

via Dr. Noah Are you interested in getting your complete, easy, and step by step guide to delicious paleo dishes?  Are you interested in learning how to make some of these delicious and...

Paleo Adobo Chicken and Chilis

Adobo Chicken with Spaghetti Squash  3 chicken breasts, cut into pieces 3 TBSP adobo seasoning (paprika, black pepper, onion powder, garlic powder, cumin, oregano) 2 TBSP EVOO spaghetti...

Filet Mignon with Mushroom Gravy

Finally!  A new recipe!  Sorry for slacking on you guys…things have been a little less hectic.  How’s everyone doing with their Paleo living? Filet Mignon with Mushroom Gravy 2...