
Cooking is My New Obsession

Can’t tell you how excited I was to eat breakfast this morning!!  I made pancakes and eggs last night…and just finished them!  So good!!  I usually make my pancakes with almond flour, but I went with coconut and tapioca flour this time.  They may actually be a little more tasty, although, I’ll have to make both, try them, and compare.  🙂  Challenge accepted!

Dinner was steak with peppers and onions.  I used some adobo seasoning on the steak, and put cumin, garlic, and cayenne pepper in the peppers and onions.  I needed to use the peppers…and that’s how I came to my decision.  I was also in the mood for some guacamole…and it was the perfect side dish!  Have I mentioned that I bought myself a KitchenAid food chopper, and I got it in pink!?  Making guacamole is SO EASY with that thing!  Actually, it comes in really handy most of the time.  I recommend getting one.  It doesn’t take up much room and it makes chopping onions easy!

I went from never cooking (and not knowing how to), to LOVING IT!  I can’t wait to buy more little kitchen gadgets and stuff.  I need some new knives I think.  I have to do some research, because the same knife I use to cut my tomatoes isn’t the same one I should use for my chicken!  Wait, does this mean I’m getting old, since I love all the different tools I can use to cook?

Time to make my grocery list (my other new favorite thing), and I may look for some coupons!  Food shopping day is tomorrow!  Is this real life?  🙂

“My cooking is so awesome, even the smoke alarm cheers me on.”

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I’m a 36 year old kid at heart. I reached a low point in my life where I felt like I needed to take control before I didn’t have the choice, and that’s when I decided that I needed to change my lifestyle. It’s going to be my life long goal to always achieve optimum health…I am still young after all. Here I am, over one year into my Paleo journey, and I never felt better.