
Today, You Are You

I know, I know…my loyal blog followers are probably wondering, “Is she still doing Paleo?  Has she reverted back to her old ways? Where is she!?!?”  Well, have no fear, friends, I’m here!  I’m still doing Paleo…going strong.  I was busy the past few days, and my internet wasn’t working yesterday for some reason…but I’m back!

Okay, so last night…first REAL attempt at creating my own recipe.  I took some steaks I had and I was feelin’ a little Italian.  Took out a can of diced tomatoes, some garlic, onions, marjoram, basil, and oregano.  I threw everything but the steaks into a pan with some olive oil and cooked it up.  Then I put that in a bowl and started cooking the steaks.  When the steaks were done, I threw my tomatoes and spices on top.  As a side I took some zucchini, artichoke hearts, bell peppers, banana peppers, onions, and all the seasoning I used for the steaks, plus garlic powder, and cooked it up.  It was so good…and I even had some this morning for breakfast.  Paleo is easy, because it’s delicious! ’nuff said.

Last night, my friend Kate posted a Paleo Salted Caramel Bacon Bark recipe on my Facebook page…needless to say, I immediately went online to see where I could buy coconut sugar (Vitamin Shoppe), and set out on a mission!  I got my coconut sugar five minutes before the store closed…headed home…and got busy making this amazing treat!  The caramel was way better than I was expecting.  It took some time to make, but it was so worth it.  Besides, anything with bacon is amazing!  The dark chocolate I get is the “Enjoy Life” brand; it’s soy, dairy, and nut free.  🙂  I’m not sure what I’m making tonight for dinner, but I’m feeling some BBQ shredded chicken…saw the recipe here.

I’m working on compiling a notebook with all of my favorite Paleo recipes, this way I have them in one place when I need them!  BTW, Halloween is coming…gonna have to pass up all that candy.  This will be a true test for me, but I can do it!  Anyone making any Paleo Halloween treats?  I may try to make some.  I have a few ideas in mind.

“Today you are YOU, that is truer than true.  

There is no one alive who is YOUER than YOU.”

-Dr. Seuss-

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I’m a 36 year old kid at heart. I reached a low point in my life where I felt like I needed to take control before I didn’t have the choice, and that’s when I decided that I needed to change my lifestyle. It’s going to be my life long goal to always achieve optimum health…I am still young after all. Here I am, over one year into my Paleo journey, and I never felt better.

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