
Category - Paleo

Back in the Groove

On March 31, I turned 31 years old; I can’t even believe it.  And although it’s hard to believe I’ve spent 31 years learning, experiencing, feeling, discovering…I...

I’m back!!

My friends and loyal followers, I have been absent far too long…and I apologize.  I’ve been so busy over the past couple months, but…I am happy to report I am still...

New Post On The Way

…standby for a new post. I fell 2 weeks ago and ended up bruising my kidney, so I was out of commission for a few days on bed rest (doctor’s orders).  Then I ended up with a...

Cheat Days are NOT Okay

“Fitness is like marriage.  You can’t cheat on it and expect it to work.” I know a lot of people live by the rule of having a cheat day, and there are actually articles...

Seven Months Strong

Sunday, March 9th, will be 7 solid months of Paleo…I can tell you I feel nothing like I did before this change.  I am blessed to have such wonderful support from the people around me...

On The Wagon

It’s one of my favorite Green Day songs, but it’s also how I’m feeling about getting really strict again and working out hard.  The weather is warming up, bathing suit...